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My Story

My name is Siddharth (or you can call me Sid if it’s easier. I am a second-generation Indian that was born in the small landlocked & beautiful peaceful African country called Zambia. I have had the blessings and opportunities to have a formal education while also being afforded the luxury to travel to different destinations around the world. These experiences have helped me grow into the person I am today, while also allowing me the opportunity to meet with many great people and forming great friendships along the way.

I come from a Middle-Class family where my roots originate from North India. Growing up I was educated and

sub-consciously ingrained by my parents and extended family that getting a formal education and a good job was a good way to live a good life where I would be comfortable & happy. As a child little did I know whether this was the right or wrong way to live a life, but like most kids who came from a middle class & stable family, I carried on with my schooling and childhood, happy and innocent.

turning point

I fast forward to 2005 in South Africa, where I have been based for the previous 7 years (from 1998). This was the year that would become a big turning point for my life in many ways because I lost my father during this year. I was only 22 at the time and reality really hit home hard. While emotionally it was a time of turmoil for me, it also dawned on me then that the way I was living my life was not really the ideal life I thought should be living. Now for some it might seem strange that at a young age I could even think of this. I began also thinking about my financial obligations and this is when my ideas about the way to creating financial and spiritual abundance changed forever.

That year was a year of awakening for me in many ways. The traditional system of working in a corporate rat race and working up the ladder internally did not uplift me, although it is what I eventually started with. I saw all the politics and how the system drained people. I knew this was not the ideal way to life a life with purpose. I began studying many successful people whom were not academically bright, yet they were successful and fulfilled in many ways. I really felt something was lacking and I needed to explore a different way of thinking and approach to creating the ideal life I desired so I could create my ideal life; as time went along I was discovering my real purpose was to empower and uplift others.

turning point _ 2016 & beyonf

From 2006 I started exploring different ways of creating financial independence. This became my burning obsession in the years to come, even though I was still going through the ‘rat race’ syndrome. I saw the power and growth potential of the internet and the online world and I explored many ventures and possibilities. I came across many scams and burnt myself through different attempts; the key was I never stopped searching and this is where many people tend to give up.

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In 2015, during a night of random YouTube browsing, I stumbled across a video of a young British man speaking on his surfboard in an exotic location. What intrigued me a lot was his conversation about setting up an online system with ease which eventually pays out high ticket commissions, while also setting up a system that would work whether you worked a lot or not in the years to come. This system would ultimately help empower a person to create a digital lifestyle or laptop lifestyle

MY MISSION (how I can help you)!

As I mentioned earlier I felt my real-life purpose was to help empower and lift others! So my mission is as follows:




All of this can be achieved with the very same system I have to help achieve the above 3!


In order to mentor and help others, I believe in a few core VALUES:

1) PASSION- Serving others with an undying passion for empowerment

2) INTEGRITY- I believe in doing what I say I will do in helping others

3) AUTHENTICITY- I believe in acting in the way I feel I really need to act in order to empower others

4) SPIRITUALITY- This is where I believe in a higher power, and everything that is done is done for the purpose of growth and helping others achieve the same

If you are ready to discover how you can create a life where you have freedom of choice, freedom of time, and freedom to go for your goals, I suggest you read my Number 1 Recommendation for setting up the very same system that has helped me achieve this; I will also personally mentor and assist you so that you can achieve  your dreams!

Please do read my blog and other links on this website. I would be delighted if you left comments on posts. If you would like to schedule a quick 15-minute Skype call with me to discuss digital marketing or possible opportunities to work together, please visit the contact scheduler on my homepage!

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