In this article I want to outline some simple tips when you are creating your Landing Page for Google or Youtube ads. The purpose of this article is not to focus solely on the technical aspects, but looking at a few pointers which will help you decide how you would like your Landing Page to be designed as per the policies of Google.
First, what is a landing page?
A landing page is essentially where a lead (prospective customer or buyer) is sent to a website or page on the internet to entice them to buy your product or service.
Landing pages can be a full website or an information page about your product or service offering which you are advertising for. Landing pages will have a website location or address (website address such as
When you place an Ad for generating leads in Google or Youtube (advertising for Youtube is through Google’s Ad platform), you have to follow their compliance policies or rules in terms of what is allowed on your Landing Page.
Key Principles of a good landing page
Having personally gone through the process of creating a Landing page, I had a few headaches and stumbling blocks to get through in order to get my Landing Page approved. Based on my mistakes and observations, I have simple principles to recommend.
Here are the simple principles which allow you to create a good landing page and more importantly be approved by Google:
- Make your website/landing page have simple to navigate menus. Have menus which are simple in their layout and provide enough information about what your product or service is about.
- The title of your product/service should match what you present in your Ad. If Google finds any form of mismatch, chances are they may feel your landing page is misleading. For example if I advertise for a course on marketing on Facebook, I need to have a title that is close to that description. If I say lead generation for Facebook on my landing page, this is different to saying marketing for Facebook course on my ad. So my ad is misleading!
- Give easy access for your lead or prospect to enter their personal details for more information to be sent to them in a follow up email series or for the option for them to directly buy your product or service. You would either have a subscription sign up form for them to become a lead on your mailing list or you would have a button where they can buy your product or service. This should be easily visible on your Landing Page and easy to access!
- Always ensure you have clear information on any costs or prices associated with getting your product or service. If this is not clear, Google can suspend your landing page on the basis of misinformation.
- Always ensure all your landing pages have a Privacy Policy and in some cases an Earnings Disclaimer page if your product or service is on the Making Money niche. The Privacy Policy page ensures the lead or prospect that you will not misuse their personal information for other gains. The Earnings Disclaimer acts as a warning to someone that their earning potential might not be the same or repeated as the product or service suggests. You don’t want to give false impressions of how easy it is to make money on the internet ever!
- If the product or service you promote is a third party product/service, try to provide some testimonials. Testimonials are always handy selling tools for proof of concept by other buyers.
- Make sure your landing page is Mobile Compliant, meaning that it should be easily view-able on mobile devices such as Tablets and Smartphones. You will have potential customers across Desktops and Mobile devices, so you want to ensure your Ad and Landing Page are accessible to all!
- Make sure the speed of your landing page is fast enough; having too many videos or plugins can slow the page down and can be a factor for Google to not approve the page. They want viewers to have an easy experience when viewing your page, not face difficulty as they may leave your landing page quickly if there is such difficulty.
- Most importantly, always ensure you use original content (including videos or photos you may include); any information copied from other websites is a strict NO NO for Google and will definitely result in your page not being approved for copyright infringement.
The KISS Principle
In summary, when creating a Landing Page for Google, remember the KISS principle: Keep It Simple Silly!
Your landing page should be a friendly touch point for your potential lead or customer; simple for them to navigate and to find if your product or service is what they are looking for.
Try not to use excessive descriptions or wording that may create a sense of hype or over dramatization. For example if you use words like quick, fast, millionaire in a money making based product offering, this is most likely to result in your Landing Page being suspended.
An example of a Landing Page
In order to help you get an understanding of what a decent looking Landing page is, have a look at one of my websites which I use for Advertising in my Google or Youtube Ads.
If you need some further assistance or tips on creating Landing Pages, please contact me and I will be happy to give you some pointers.
You can also contact Google Support in your local area if there is support available with a local number. They will generally assist you when it comes to technical issues for your Landing page or to get clarity on such issues.
However, be warned that if your Landing page is suspended for some odd reason, it’s very difficult to get in touch with someone personally at Google related to policy based decisions. It’s best to contact their support and inform them of your issue or make the necessary changes Google requires and let support get someone to have a look in the Policy Department to approve it.
Be also mindful that policies can keep changing so always ensure you are up to date with them.
I hope this article will pave the way to helping you make Landing Pages more easily and for approval on your Google Ads 🙂
To Your Empowered Life,
Great info….thank you so much… It was just what I was looking for 🙂
I am glad to hear that Ness 🙂